Thursday, August 7, 2008

better late than never....

so here is my first blog post. given its a couple weeks behind, i figured it better to get it up and running regardless. firstly i should play a little catch up!

so, the group i have chosen to design for is golden backpackers! an odd group you might ask? well it really wasn't that hard to make the decision to design for them. i knew for a fact i didn't want to design for the person who has everything (im talking about all you rich, slick and sophisticated GEN X men out there) . which brings me to another point, does this kind of person actually exist? i don't really think so... i think it is a persona created by the media and perhaps our imagination and lets not forget the evil evil people that reside in the marketing department, just to sell stuff we don't need. anyways i digress, back to did i (we) get to golden backpackers? first we thought about what a backpacker is Backpackers are usually travelers rather than tourists. Although there are always exceptions. it did not take long to discover that it would be difficult to design a product for this group. this then lead us to the sup group of golden backpackers, who are a niche market but we thought would have many product possibilities.

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